Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials
what is it?
In response to the growing risk of cyber-attacks, the Cyber Essentials scheme was launched by the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre in 2014 with the strategic aim of providing organisations with a basic level of protection against cybercrime.
The goal of the scheme is to improve cybersecurity awareness within small and medium sized business and assist them in guarding against cyber attack by implementing five key technical security controls that address up to 80% of common cybersecurity threats including fraud, industrial espionage, and theft of intellectual property.

the key
Having a Cyber Essentials certification helps reassure your customers that you take cybersecurity seriously.
Be listed on the Directory of organisations awarded Cyber Essentials accreditation.
Attract new business with the assurance that you have cybersecurity measures in place.
technology partners
We have selected the very best technology available to meet the needs of small and medium sized businesses today and have developed an experienced team of fully-certified engineers, programmers and technicians to design and deliver leading-edge IT solutions.